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Come and try your hand at lawn bowls

If it's your first time, you can try for free.
We will provide bowls for you to use and offer some advice to get you started.
Just one essential - please wear flat-soled shoes.

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Interested ?

Here are 5 reasons to give bowls a try :-

  1. Whatever your physique, bowls is a sport for everybody. It will help improve your fitness levels and mental wellbeing. 

  2. Bowls is not expensive. To get going you don’t need lots of new kit. We can provide bowls  while you get used to the game. Membership and a set of bowls can cost less than £100.

  3. After football, bowls has the second highest number of clubs in the country.                       

  4. Compared to most sports, age and gender differences have much less of an effect on a game of bowls, so it’s a perfect sport to spend time and enjoy a bit of friendly competition.

  5. Bowls clubs are sociable places full of people looking to have fun, so bowls is a great way to relax, make new friends and feel part of your local community.

Give bowls a try: News & Updates
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